Wednesday, 4 September 2013

How To Successfully Work on a Team: Maya Bloom

Maya Bloom is aware that working on a team can be difficult. Whether it is at school, work, or a sport, it can be an extremely grueling task to get various personalities to mesh and work together. As a 13-year member of the Girl Scouts, Maya Bloom has effectively learned to work with multiple people. Maya Bloom hopes to provide insight to others on how to effectively work on a team. She knows that when synergy is created, there is always a great outcome. Here are some tips on how to appropriately work as a team member:

  • Know your place on the team. If you have a specific objective as a team member, make sure you stick to it. Do not try to make yourself the leader if that is not your role. If multiple members of the team try to step up as the leader, it can lead to a power struggle and lack of communication. Maya Bloom recommends that you fulfill your duties and respect whoever is in charge.
  • Take turns. Maya Bloom believes that it is crucial that everyone in the group gets their turn to speak. Members of the team should respect each other and view each opinion as equal.
  • Provide positive feedback. While working together, it is important to keep morale high. Maya Bloom expresses the importance of providing your team members with words of affirmation. This will help the group maintain a positive attitude throughout the project.
  • Act selfless. While working on the team, you should consider each member individually. Maya Bloom notes that each member is of equal importance and you should try to be accommodating whenever possible.
Maya Bloom believes that when individuals successfully work on a team, greater outcomes can occur. Although it may be difficult, if you follow these easy steps, you will be on your way to successfully working on a team.

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